来源:www.automds.cn | 作者:上海沐睿 | 发布时间:2023-02-21 | 524 次浏览 | 分享到:



Latest application date: 

date by when the application for authorisation has to be sent to ECHA at the latest to ensure that the substance is allowed to be used if the sunset date passed and the decision on authorisation is still pending; usually 18 months before the sunset date.



Legacy (spare) parts: 

means non-current vehicle components whose original supplier has ceased trading due to liquidation or bankruptcy and therefore no longer exists as a legal entity. In this instance there is no data available on the materials or specifications involved, and no entity to approach to obtain this information. Frequently, these parts have been subject to an all-time buy that was arranged before the supplier disappeared.



Legal entity: 

means any individual, partnership, proprietorship,  corporation, association or other organisation that has,  in the eyes of the law, the capacity to make a contract or an agreement and the abilities to assume an obligation and to pay off its debts. A legal entity under the law is  responsible for its actions and can be sued for damages.



Manufacturer :

means “any natural or legal person established within the Community who manufactures a substance within the Community” (Art. 3.9 REACH).


指“在自然状态下物质的生产或制取” (REACH第3.8条) 


means “production or extraction of substances in the natural state” (Art. 3.8 REACH).


指“由两种或两种以上物质组成的混合物或溶液”。因在REACH中采用CLP法规,所以将“preparation(配置品)”(REACH第3.2 条)改为“mixture(配置品)”(CLP第2.8 条,(EC)1272/2008)。例如:油漆、润滑剂、黏胶剂、挡风玻璃清洗液、发动机油、铁或铜合金(REACH第3.41条及ECHA指南对物品中物质要求) 


means“a mixture or solution composed of two or more substances”. This term was changed from“preparation”  (Art. 3.2 REACH) due to implementation of CLP Regulation into REACH (Art. 2.8 CLP, (EC) 1272/2008). Example: Paint, lubricant, adhesive, windshield-washer fluid, engine oil, steel or brass alloy  (Art. 3.41 REACH and ECHA Guidance on requirements for substances in articles)



Monomer :

means “a substance which is capable of forming covalent bonds with a sequence of additional like or unlike molecules under the conditions of the relevant polymer-forming reaction used for the particular  process” (Art. 3.6 REACH).


虽然现行的REACH法规(欧委会)1907/2006未对纳米材料进行定义,但REACH仍适用于合成的“人工纳米材料” 。欧盟委员会文件CA-59-2008第1版明确规定:“虽然REACH对纳米材料未作专门规定,但是REACH法规涉及任何尺寸、形状或物理状态物质,因此,纳米级物质也在REACH的规定范围内,REACH的规定适用于纳米材料。因此,根据REACH的规定,制造商、进口商及下游用户必须确保其纳米材料不会对人体健康或环境产生有害影响”。更多信息,请查看欧委会网站,网址如下:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/ nanotech/index_en.htm.  


anomaterials:Although there is currently no definition of nanomaterials included in the present REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006, REACH applies to manmade“manufactured nanomaterials”. Document CA-59-2008 rev.1 of the Commission clearly stipulates: “There are no provisions in REACH referring specifically to nanomaterials. However, REACH deals with substances,  in whatever size, shape or physical state. Substances at the nanoscale are therefore covered by REACH and its provisions apply. It thus follows that under REACH manufacturers, importers and DUs have to ensure that their nanomaterials do not adversely affect human health or the environment”. It is recommended to check the official EU Commission web site for further information at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/nanotech/index_en.htm.

非分阶段物质 :


Non phase-in substance: 

means “a substance which does not meet the criteria of phase-in substance” (defined below); that is, a substance which was not manufactured, marketed,  or placed on the market prior to the entry into force of  REACH.


指“已提交通报6且根据指令67/548/EEC规定可投放市场的物质”(REACH第3.21条) 。已通报物质具有欧洲已通报化学物质名录 (ELINCS)编号。 

Notified substance: 

means“a substance for which a notification6  has been submitted and which could be placed on the market in accordance with Directive 67/548/EEC” (Art. 3.21 REACH). Notified substances have an ELINCS number.

唯一代表 :

指制造单独物质、配制品或物品中的物质、配制配制品或生产物品并将其进口至欧盟区的在欧盟境外的自然人或设立的法人,可根据双方协商一致,可指定一名在欧盟内的自然人或设立的法人,作为其唯一代表履行进口商的义务(REACH第8.1条)。唯一代表可代表一个或多个欧洲经济区以外并对欧洲经济区出口的物品制造商、配制商或生产商。 每年指每个日历年。 

Only Representative (OR) :

A natural or legal person established outside the Community who manufactures a substance on its own, in mixtures or in articles, formulates a mixture or produces an article that is imported into the Community may by mutual agreement appoint a natural or legal person established in the Community to fulfil, as his Only Representative, the obligations of importers  (Art. 8.1 REACH). The Only Representative can represent.


6 Notification under former Directive 67/548/EEC (Directive on Classification, Labelling & Packaging of dangerous substances). There is no link to the REACH or CLP notification.



